How Long Is Beef Good After The Sell-By Date?

Do you know that around 900000 cows are slaughtered daily for beef and other products? Beef is the most consumed meat globally. There are some astounding facts and numbers related to beef in America. Every single day, around 76 million Americans eat beef. On average, 112 pounds of beef is consumed by an American annually. The United States alone consumes over 21% of the world’s total beef.

These gigantic numbers tell us the importance of meat in the whole world, especially in America. Due to this, beef is purchased in great numbers from local grocery stores and popular retail markets such as Walmart and Target. You can also try the best beef jerky flavors or customize your flavors according to your taste at your convenience. However, there are a few concerns whenever we buy some food. How long will it last?

The sell-by date on meat is an important factor to determine whether it is eatable or not. It is the date till when the product should be on the shelf. The main question here is how long is beef good after the sell-by date.

Stay tuned as we discuss in detail the factors that make beef go bad and till when it is safe to consume it.

Evolution Of Printed Dates On Beef

How Long Is Beef Good After The Sell By Date

If we talk about the old times when food regulation authorities weren’t in action and food was purchased solely on instinct, a lot of corners were cut. In the case of beef, when mold started developing on some areas of it, those packets were unpacked and the moldy parts were stripped.

After it, they were repacked again for sale. Also, when the meat goes stiff and unusual looking, it was turned into ground beef for sale. All these concerns made food regularity an important aspect.

Hence, certain dates were then printed on meats. Below we have discussed these dates in detail and have told what exactly they mean.

Sell By Date

It is the specified date according to the manufacturer on how long should a product be displayed on the shelves. It is better to purchase products before this date to ensure freshness and premium quality.

Best Before Date

It is the date till when the meat stays best for use. Using the product before this date guarantees you get the best flavor and quality out of it. The food is still in usable condition after this date passes, as this is only a concern of freshness.

Use By Date

This is the last recommended date till when the product should be used. After this, the product is deemed unfit for consumption and should be discarded.

How To Tell If Beef Is Spoiled?

How Long Is Beef Good After The Sell By Date

The best way to distinguish good beef from spoilt one is through your senses. If you encounter any unusual odor containing funny smells, the beef has probably gone bad. A slimy or sticky texture is also a strong sign of spoilt beef. Whenever you purchase raw beef, make sure it is bright red with slightly brownish on the inside. Good meat can be smelled to have an authentic meaty fragrance.

If beef has mold developed on it, then it should be discarded right away. It is essential to understand that your senses should only be trusted if you are 100% sure that the beef was stored and handled perfectly. Spoilt beef is a result of bacteria spread that contaminates it over time.

Ground beef is also a widely used product of beef roast. Unfortunately, it gets spoilt faster than regular steaks or large cuts of beef. The reason for this is exposure to air. As ground beef is spread over a greater area and is less dense, it is much more vulnerable to air and spoilage organisms that make it go bad faster.

How Long Is Beef Good After The Sell-By Date?

The sell-by date on meat varies for different types of meats. Ground meat and poultry should be consumed within 1-2 days after passing the sell-by date. Beef cuts, on the other hand, remain usable even after 3-5 days of the sell-by date. On the flip side, beef jerky can last up to 1-2 months.

The sell-by date on meat is only an indicator that till then the meat should be off the display shelving. 1/3rd of meat is used after the sell-by date on meat passes by.

The expiration date of the meat should be checked before purchasing it. Ensuring proper storage methods is important if you wish to use meat after the sell-by date has passed. Now let’s see if it is safe to use beef after the expiration date.

How Long Can Beef Be Used After The Expiration Date?

As we mentioned above that the best before (expiry) date on foods means that the food is in best condition under this date. It derives that the food is still inadequate condition to be consumed. However, the taste of it might not be the best as It’s supposed to be. Every food has a different period till which it’s safe to be consumed after the expiry date.

If you recognize the soar or bitter taste of beef, it should be discarded as it has gone bad.

What Beef To Buy And How To Store It?

If you regularly purchase meat off the shelves of grocery stores, make sure to look for one thing in particular next time. Ensure buying meat that is airtight packed in plastic. This type of beef can be stored for around a year in your freezer. Use a vacuum sealer at your home before you throw the leftover beef into the freezer. This will make it last for months.

What Happens If Spoilt Beef Is Eaten?

Eating spoilt beef causes food poisoning, fever, vomiting, stomach cramps, etc. The symptoms of these issues usually occur after a few days of consumption. Never eat raw beef as it contains a lot of bacteria that can also cause the above illnesses.


How Long Is Beef Good After The Sell By Date

Comment down below your consumption pattern and after how many days of the sell-by date on the meat you usually consume it. Always stay safe and healthy!

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